Implementation of infrastructure projects by public or private institutions requires acquisition of land for installation or construction of facilities. The process of land acquisition often leads to physical displacement, economic displacement and disruption of livelihoods as a result of restricted access to land and other resources on land, loss of livelihoods and involuntary resettlement. It is important for project developers, implementers and sponsors to seek an approach of project implementation that avoids involuntary resettlement, if not possible minimize involuntary resettlement through alternative project designs and mitigate unavoidable adverse social and economic impacts from land acquisition through meaningful consultation and participation of Project Affected Persons and/or communities as well as provide timely and adequate compensation for lost assets at full replacement cost, provide livelihood restoration/improvement.
This moduleis intended to equip participants with skills and knowledge on the legal framework on land acquisition in Uganda as well as application of ESS 5 of the World Bank Environment and Social Framework. Participants will gain more understanding of;
- Types of resettlement
- Legal framework for land acquisition and compensation in Uganda and application of ESS5
- RAP preparation process step by step
- Public consultation and disclosure requirements
- Grievance redress mechanism
- RAP implementation, monitoring and reporting
Target audience
The course targets Project Managers, Social Development Consultants and Practitioners, Land Acquisition Supervisors, Land Valuers, Sociologists, Planners and Safety Officers among others.
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