Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) as an analytical process that systematically examines the likely environmental and social impacts of a proposed project, evaluates alternatives and designs appropriate mitigation, management and monitoring measures, taking into account interrelated socio-economic, cultural and human health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. This module seeks to build the capacity of participants in key aspects of environment and social impact assessment in the context of the Uganda national legislation and policies as well as key development partner environment and social requirements such as the World Bank, African Development Bank and others.
Specifically, the ESIA module is designed to equip participants to;
- Understand the EISA process based on Uganda’s legal framework and best practices from international agencies
- Understand the category of projects for which ESIA is required and the corresponding level of environment and social assessment
- Appreciate the importance of conducting ESIA and the adoption of a mitigation hierarch that avoids, minimizes, mitigates and compensates risks and impacts
- Become familiar with the key steps in the ESIA process (screening, scoping, impact assessment and mitigation, impact management, ESIA report, review and approval, monitoring).
- Appreciate the different ESIA instruments and their purpose,
- Understand public participation and disclosure requirements in ESIA
- Acquire knowledge and skills on the role of different stakeholders in the ESIA process, implementation of mitigation measures, monitoring and reporting
The target audience includes; Project managers and Implementers, Environment and Social consultants and Practitioners, Health and Safety officers, Engineers, Sociologists, Environment Officers in public and private institutions.
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