Environment, Health and Safety Management on Construction Sites

Source of the Nile Hotel, Jinja, Uganda, Uganda
September 9, 2024 8:30 am

Environment, Health and Safety management is a major concern in project design, implementation and sustainability of project benefits. Projects and Programmes must put in place environment, health and safety systems that seek to avoid, and where avoidance is not possible, to reduce, mitigate, compensate for and offset the environment and social risks and impacts. In order to enhance environment and social safeguards management in Uganda, the Government amended the National Environment Act in 2019 bringing into force new provisions in the legal framework. It is important that stakeholders are brought up to speed on the new amendments in the law and other environment, health and safety aspects for sustainable project implementation and management.

Purpose of the training

Environment, Health and Safety training is a tailor-made course carefully designed to; appraise participants on the new amendments in the Environment, Legal and Policy framework in Uganda, the implications of the amendments to environment and social safeguards management by different stakeholders (Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments); equip participants with knowledge on the Environment and Social Impact Assessment Process, Environment Risk Assessment, Environment Audit process in Uganda under the current legal framework, Occupational Safety and Health, roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in planning and budgeting, implementation, monitoring and reporting.

Objectives of the training

  • To appraise participants on the current Environment, Legal and Policy framework in Uganda and its implications to environment and social safeguards management by Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments.
  • To equip participants with knowledge on the Environment and Social Impact Assessment, Environment Risk Assessment and Environment Audit processes in Uganda.
  • To empower participants with skills to provide a safe working environment to to project workers and surrounding communities.
  • To provide practical skills on the roles of Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments in planning and budgeting, implementation, monitoring and reporting on Environment, Health and Safety.


Target audience

Urban Officers, Physical Planners, Land Officers, Natural Resources Officers, Engineers, Surveyors, Architects, Environment Officers, Community Development Officers, Labour officers, Health and Safety Officer and Land valuers among others from Government Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments and private institutions.


Cost per participant

Workshop: USD 1000 covering tuition, course material, field visit, 8GB memory stick, lunch and tea.

Online Option: USD 700 covering tuition, course material, 8GB memory stick.

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