Afrika Safeguards Consult Ltd on Saturday April 10th, 2021 conducted training on occupational safety and health, with an aim of creating knowledge on the rights of workers to a healthy and safe occupational environment.  The training also had an objective of enabling workers and employers understand their duties and responsibilities, in order to maintain a healthy and safe occupational environment.

The training targeted Project Managers, Staff Supervisors, Health and Safety Officers, Human Resource Managers and all workers in the different fields and capacities.  Participants included representatives from Government Ministries of Uganda like Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development, Ministry of Water and Environment, Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, Directorate of Public Prosecution, Office of the Prime Minister; District Local Governments (Jinja, Kaliro, Koboko and Pakwach), NGOs (Foundation for Health Environment and Poverty Alleviation), Private companies (Etroca Photo Film and Events Ltd, Mult Consult Ltd, Geo taxon Consult Ltd) and Environment and Social Development consultants from Malawi and USA.

According to the Managing Director, Ms. Scovia Nakawuma, the training was important because it helps workers and employers understand that a safe working environment is not only a right, but promotes productivity, morale and a good cooperate image for the organisation. “Through the training, workers and employers will get to know the types of hazards at their work places and how to prevent them.” She said.  She added that workers and employers would get to know where to get help in case of an accident or incident and how to process worker man’s compensation for occupational diseases and accidents.

Topics covered included; occupational safety and health that highlighted roles and responsibilities of employers and employees. Occupational safety and health legislation in Uganda covered Occupational Safety and Health provisions in the law including fair conditions of workers, working hours, age of workers, statutory leave, wages, salaries and statutory remittances, termination and unfair dismissal, freedom of association, compensation for occupational diseases and accidents among others. Types of hazards in the workplace dealt with hazards in the workplace; physical, biological, chemical and Ergonomic hazards, preventive and protective measures against hazards, risk assessment and a risk management plan.

 Afrika Safeguards Consult Ltd was formed to partner with individuals, companies and institutions (private and public) to provide consultancy services that will support them to improve their environment and social performance. 

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